Wood Wall Paneling Makes A Contemporary Comeback!

We all know it’s true that popular styles of the past tend to find their way back on top again. Some may be surprised however that wood paneling, circa 1960s, is one of those decorating trends making its contemporary comeback!  
Dining Area with Wood Wall Paneling
Whatever your [mixed] feelings about wood paneling (dark? dated? groovy?) it’s picking up steam again and is all the rage in homes both modern and traditional alike.

Of course, like most “vintage” trends, this one has taken on a couple of modern twists:
1.  The colors tend to be lighter  – unlike the deep browns with black oak patterns of the past, lighter tints are leading the trends.  Whether it’s a pale or honey toned wood, or an all white look, the current wood paneling trends are bright and monochromatic.
2.  It comes in different shapes and colors!  Modern takes go beyond the tongue and groove strip to include rectangle wood panels, unique cuts and shapes, and even bright colors.

Should you jump on board?  Here are a few reasons to consider wood paneling for your home’s interior:

Need more convincing?  Peak at 30 different wood wall panel ideas here, or check out the beauty of tongue and groove used in contemporary homes here and here!